Digital Tricks: G20-WHO Vaccine Passport and Digital Health Identity Scheme

Digital Tricks: G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme Puppets of the Group of 20 (G20), after drinking and partying a lot together in Bali, have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks”Continue reading “Digital Tricks: G20-WHO Vaccine Passport and Digital Health Identity Scheme”

Of Malware in Mobile Devices

Nearly all mobile phones do two grievous wrongs to their users: tracking their movements, and listening to their conversations. The malware listed here is present in every phone, or in software that is not made by Apple or Google (including its subsidiaries). Malicious functionalities in mobile software released by Apple or Google are listed inContinue reading “Of Malware in Mobile Devices”

Of Consumer VPN VPN client and the VPN server refer to software, but oftentimes a computer is dedicated to function as a VPN server, so the hardware and software can be thought of as one and the same. The VPN client software connects to a computer running VPN server software. Typically, the VPN client software runs onContinue reading “Of Consumer VPN”

Mobile communications, the most vital toys for the automatons of the modern world

Every “smart”-phone or other device with mobile communications capability (e.g. 3G or LTE) runs two operating systems. Aside from the operating system that the end-users see (Android, iOS, PalmOS), it also runs a small operating system that manages everything related to radio. Since this functionality is highly timing-dependent, a real-time operating system is required. ThisContinue reading “Mobile communications, the most vital toys for the automatons of the modern world”

Of Planefinder sites, ground stations and radar ‘dead zones’

Planefinder provide flight information like GPS location + Direction + web lookup of flights •,, • Aggregates data from all over the world • User provided ground stations and data • Generates near real time (-10 min delay) Google Map of air traffic • Supports queries for Airlines, cities, tail numbers, flightContinue reading “Of Planefinder sites, ground stations and radar ‘dead zones’”