Of relevance to the current debate on Eugenics and Depopulation In the decades following the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, a craze for eugenics spread through Britain and the USA as well. Overbreeding by the poor and disabled threatened the quality of the human race, American campaigners warned. Drastic measures must be taken toContinue reading “Of the History of Eugenics – Victoria Brignell”
Author Archives: Claudio Saponaro
Of Back Doors and Malicious Functionalities
Proprietary software is often malware: proprietary back doors. “..Non-free software is controlled by its developers, which puts them in a position of power over the users. The developers and manufacturers often exercise that power to the detriment of the users they ought to serve. This typically takes the form of malicious functionalities. Some malicious functionalitiesContinue reading “Of Back Doors and Malicious Functionalities”
Of VPN that Track Users and Infringe their Privacy
A research paper that investigated the privacy and security of 283 Android VPN apps concluded that “in spite of the promises for privacy, security, and anonymity given by the majority of VPN apps—millions of users may be unawarely subject to poor security guarantees and abusive practices inflicted by VPN apps.” Following is a non-exhaustive list, taken fromContinue reading “Of VPN that Track Users and Infringe their Privacy”
Every phone has a walking data collector app.
In general, electronic devices are not secure. People do not understand and can not wade through user agreements, commonly more than 5000 words and more than 18 pages to read, presented always at the wrong time, when one can’t wait to activate a device or a service, and one is already tired of the nonsenseContinue reading “Every phone has a walking data collector app.”
Digital Tricks: G20-WHO Vaccine Passport and Digital Health Identity Scheme
Digital Tricks: G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme Puppets of the Group of 20 (G20), after drinking and partying a lot together in Bali, have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks”Continue reading “Digital Tricks: G20-WHO Vaccine Passport and Digital Health Identity Scheme”
Of Malware in Mobile Devices
Nearly all mobile phones do two grievous wrongs to their users: tracking their movements, and listening to their conversations. The malware listed here is present in every phone, or in software that is not made by Apple or Google (including its subsidiaries). Malicious functionalities in mobile software released by Apple or Google are listed inContinue reading “Of Malware in Mobile Devices”
Con un titolo fuorviante, gli analfabeti che scrivono scemenze su “la Repubblica”, ciarlano attorno ad un pericolosissimo virus che infetterebbe le macchine anziché gli organismi viventi. “L’attacco riparte dalla Cina..”, scrivono, facendo sembrare che chi attacca sia in Cina e riprenda ad attaccare dalla Cina (proprio come avviene con le favole dei FINTI virus delleContinue reading “RANSOMWARE, IL VIRUS DEI CORNUTI e CONTENTI”
SPYPHONE, due sistemi operativi per UN dispositivo SMART-PHONE
Ogni “smartphone” o altro simile dispositivo di comunicazione radio-mobile (ad es. 3G o LTE) esegue in realtà non uno, ma due sistemi operativi. A parte il sistema operativo che VOI utilizzatori finali vedete (Android, iOS, PalmOS), esegue anche un piccolo sistema operativo che gestisce tutto ciò che riguarda la radio. Poiché questa funzionalità è fortementeContinue reading “SPYPHONE, due sistemi operativi per UN dispositivo SMART-PHONE”
Del Cavour e dei “liberatori” per conto terzi, Mazzini e Garibaldi
Dopo il successo del noto colpo di stato chiamato impropriamente “rivoluzione francese” i servizi segreti inglesi e i loro compari della massoneria riorganizzata, fanno girare un bollettino con la chiamata alle armi per distruggere l’organizzazione per delinquere chiamata chiesa di Roma. Il grido di battaglia è “guerra a dio”. Per questo motivo, nel 1886, ilContinue reading “Del Cavour e dei “liberatori” per conto terzi, Mazzini e Garibaldi”
Of Consumer VPN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_l4WB2Yvk8&list=PLcajvRZA8E09bgru8xIqsQrEjgH6YM27e&index=70 VPN client and the VPN server refer to software, but oftentimes a computer is dedicated to function as a VPN server, so the hardware and software can be thought of as one and the same. The VPN client software connects to a computer running VPN server software. Typically, the VPN client software runs onContinue reading “Of Consumer VPN”